Pre-SOMA National Events

Each year, Pre-SOMA hosts and helps coordinate 4 major events that are open to our members. While different Pre-SOMA Directors may have additional projects planned, our members can always look forward to the following events each year!

Pre-SOMA at D.O. Day on Capitol Hill

Date: Spring Semester
Event info: Each year, hundreds of osteopathic medical students travel to Washington, D.C. to advocate for osteopathic medical students and physicians. During this event, Pre-SOMA encourages undergraduate students to attend as well and participate in meetings with your state representatives. Pre-SOMA also is able to award 2 students with scholarships to help cover the costs of traveling to and attending the event.

ShaDO Week

Date: Spring Semester
Event info: Pre-SOMA’s ShaDO Week is an opportunity for undergraduate students to visit participating osteopathic medical schools and shadow current osteopathic medical students. This event not only allows Pre-SOMA members to tour campuses, meet the faculty and staff of the school, but also gives them a first hand account of what life in medical school is like. You may also be given the opportunity to attend a lecture, an OMM lab, and so on!


Date: Fall Semester
Event Info: Held each year, OMED is the world’s largest osteopathic medical conference open to practicing physicians, residents, and medical students. During this conference, Pre-SOMA has an entire program planned out specifically for pre-medical students! In past years, our lectures, given by a variety of speakers, have ranged from MCAT study preparation, osteopathic medical school application guides, medical school interview tips, OMM demonstrations, resume workshops, and much more. Pre-SOMA also offers scholarships for this truly awesome event.

National Osteopathic Night Out

Date: Fall Semester
Event Info: Pre-SOMA knows that preparing yourself for medical school can be a daunting process. To help deal with this, Pre-SOMA offers a chance to meet with current SOMA medical students to answer all your medical school related questions. As mentorship is very important to Pre-SOMA, we aim for this to be a chance for you to grab a cup of coffee (or two) with our members at a local cafe, and chat about whatever it is you’d like to know about their COM.

For more information or specifics of these events, please look for announcements made by the National Pre-SOMA Directors, or email us at [email protected].